Wednesday, March 16, 2011

#3 turns #2

 Adalyn turns 2 today.  Many people say they can't believe how fast it all went but really, with all the not-sleeping she brought to our house, I felt every day of that 2 years.  Now that we are in the happy world of normal, healthy sleeping habits, I can look back on the past two years with a more jovial heart than I might have had going through it.  I am thankful every day that she is healthy, happy, and part of our family.

Here is a brief photographic journey of this year...

 At her 1st Birthday Party(note flat hair, not so sure of the whole party thing)

 This is about a month after her first birthday and when we first started noticing the change in her hair.

 This delightful shot reminded everyone in my family of me.  As a tot I would crawl around at picnics swallowing up the remains of unattended adult beverages.
 On vacation in Virginia Beach(one of the few shots with me actually in the picture)
 Silly with her sisters.

The princess had home made pizza for her dinner, and decorated her own brownie for dessert.  Course, she only ate the decorations, but no one seemed to notice.  Happy Birthday Adalyn.


  1. rats. missed the birthday. i always think she is another april girl...

    welcome to 2, miss A. hugs and kisses from the whole hand ;-)

  2. This is so cute and so tastefully done. You are very good in the camera department, Kor. I loved it.

