Saturday, June 2, 2012


After Dress rehearsal I was a little concerned for Willa.  She only had 3 numbers in btwn 2 of her dances, which required not only different costumes but different hair too!  Quite an undertaking for what ends up being about 8 minutes.  At dress rehearsal she got so anxious about not having enough time that she melted down and wouldn't go on stage b/c she was crying too hard.  Poor thing.

But happily when showtime came, she(and I) got it all done with time to spare and everyone danced well.  I swear I'm 10 times more nervous than they are and can't really relax till they are done.

The girls had a host of people there to watch them.  Including Willa's awesome teacher Mrs. Cipura and her daughter.  Denver's teacher from the last 3 years came too.
 Along with a host of family.

 Denver won a Teacher's Choice Award.  A surprise to all of us.  Up on stage they called her name at the end and she stood there smiling ear to ear for a good 10 minutes.  She did work hard this year, really getting into it and practicing at home so I'm glad she was recognized for it.
 There were some sad feelings on Willa's part that she didn't get a trophy.  That does seem to be a hard lesson for her in particular.  To be happy for a sister who won something she did not.  But truthfully, Denver did work really hard and practiced far more than Willa.  I think it's just a maturity thing, since Denver at 7 years old did not practice much either.  Oh well.  It wasn't anything a slice of pizza and bag of skittles couldn't fix.

1 comment:

  1. pizza and skittles, for sure mend a lot of fences :-)
    love seeing the pics!
