Ahh, the 48 hours that is the dress rehearsal and recital... a time full of make-up, sequins, bobby pins, an ungodly amount of hair product, 4 costume changes, 1 hairstyle change, me running like mad to and from the auditorium so I can alternately see 1st girl dance then hurry backstage to change 1st girl into 2nd costume and run back so I can see 2nd girl dance her 1st dance then run backstage to get the 2nd girl ready for her 2nd dance then bolt back into the auditorium so I can see them both dance their 2nd dance. I'm not sure about them, but I was beat afterwards!
Displaying more interest this year than in years past, the last month was filled with requests to play their practice video so they could cement their routines. Denver danced a tap number to, 'Let's hear It For the Boys.'(See 1st You Tube Video Clip-she is far right, front row)And a Jazz to 'California Girls' by Katy Perry(kids bop version, thank God!)
Willa's tap was to a cute number called, 'Shake Your Blues Away' and her jazz was to a hip hop version of 'Mary Had a Little Lamb.' I'm working on getting all the dances up so be patient.
Of course they were so cute and adorable and did great, but I'm glad I won't have to do it for another whole year.
oooooh! fancy! that one of willa pointing is too much! love it!