Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Long ago, to be specific it was the day of Grandpa's funeral, a little boy accidentally rolled a ball into one of our basement windows. It had broken and we had temporarily put a piece of cardboard up to cover it and used some painters tape to keep it there. We always meant to fix it but like so many home repairs, it got pushed to the back burner. Well, a year and a half later, we finally got around to it. And when I say we, I really mean Wayne. There are some home projects you put off, thinking they will be long and involved and likely expensive. I guess this poor window made us cringe at the thought. But turns out it was easy and now looks quite nice. (Granted, I didn't actually do any of the work so when I say easy, it's because it required less than 10 trips to the hardware store and was done in a reasonable amount of time and I heard no swearing or mutterings during the repair) It's rare that a home project doesn't turn into something bigger than intended so what a nice change to have a weekend project, take less than an actual weekend!

There was still a bit of time for the excellent craftsman to pose for pictures!

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