Sunday, September 27, 2009

V-Ball Season in Full Swing

Volleyball Season has descended upon us like a tornado. I love coaching and like my team very much, but I will be the first to admit that it is crazy in our house for the 12 weeks of season. I had them over for a pizza/t-shirt decorating extravaganza last Friday. Combined with Adalyn's recent sleeping habits and an increase in hours at work, I am one tired puppy. I could really use a Rumba, one of those automatic vacuum cleaners but I think the massive amounts of dog hair would really bog it down.

No teeth on my baby yet, but I can't figure out the magic sleep schedule that will help get me more than 3-4 hours of sleep in a row. We are just so busy as a family that trying to get her into a schedule is more difficult than I would have imagined. But we muddle through. By this time next month we will be in playoffs with Varsity and hopefully doing well. And after that, I will have more time to figure out how to work this whole 3 kid thing.

Still, we try to have fun despite our crazy schedule. We've been hitting a local Farmers' Market regularly and last week we found the largest head of broccoli I've ever seen. After that picture I cut it down to a more manageable size and nearly cut my middle finger off. Did I mention how tired I was?

And we met a couple friends to go on a short little hayride on one of our fabulous Fall days. I love Fall and it always seem to fly by me with lightening speed. My tomatoes in my garden took a while to get going but really produced well. And it turns out, that since I am the only one who likes fresh tomatoes in our house, 7 plants was a few too many. Our co-workers got to enjoy much of our harvest as well as some family. Still there were many tomatoes I could not get to and I think they will reseed next year and try to invade the house!

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