Monday, February 1, 2010

Introducing...The Rolling Boil

So I am starting a new blog.  Not that I won't be keeping up this one but as I've mentioned before, I get REALLY bored in the Winter.(Note thiis first pic is from a recent storm view from an upstairs window)  Not to say that I am not busy.  I am busy, but not with a lot of mental stimulation.  So here is something to keep me occupied.  It's called The Rolling Boil.  I think I picked the name because rolling boils are one of the hardest things for me.
  It's not the skill that's required that gets me, it's the patience!  So you can read all about my first experience with fondant while I made this cake.

I made it for our monthly dinner night with my brothers fam and some friends.  While at my brothers place, we talked Willa into playing the Wii.  My brother's tv is huge!  And as you can see, the wii board was about 3 ft. from it.  Having trouble doing it herself, Daddy stepped on to help her ski jump.
She must have felt like she was flying because when they 'jumped' she flung her arms wholeheartedly into the air with a huge smile on her face.  So cute! 

Ady crawled around trying to press new buttons and lights and snuggled with almost everyone.  Here Tyler and Ady together in their footy pajamas.  I wish I could explain, but with Tyler, there just isn't any explaination. 

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