Friday, March 20, 2009

The Details

So for those of you who enjoy hearing how it went down, here goes.

Monday, after a nice visit to a park with Willa and Possum(trying to induce labor with nice long walks), I had a message from one of my midwives to page her and when she called back she said that it was pretty slow at the hospital and she was on call and couldn't believe I hadn't had the baby yet. Since my due date was only a couple days away, we would have been talking about having to induce anyhow so if I wanted, I could come in and she could break my water for me. She had also delivered Willa and was at the hospital for one of our false labor visits. So, after chatting with Wayne, we thought that sounded pretty good to us. So we got the kids settled with my folks and headed up. It was all pretty surreal since with the other two I had actually been in labor when I went up.

Of course once we got there, 5 other women who were in labor came in and we had to wait till around 6 when there would be nurses available for us. Helene(my midwife) broke my water and we watched Chuck and Dancing with the Stars and it all seemed kinda slow and I wondered if perhaps I should have just waited it out, letting nature decide when I should have this baby. I really didn't want any Pitocin or other crazy drugs but after 10pm it started to pick up and it was again shocking how intense that last bit of labor can be. I did not want any drugs this time around. No, not because I am so tough but because Willa came so fast, that if it went like that, I didn't want the drugs in my system for such a long time afterward. After hyperventilating in the tub, they got me out and by the time I got back to bed, Adalyn was ready to come out. The last bit seemed to go quite quickly.

In the end, I'm glad we decided to induce. Things progressed really quickly after a certain point and if I'd been at home it would have been bad for Wayne. He was very good throughout labor, as always. And I must say, we make beautiful children. I'll post more pics later today but we are all doing well.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations from the Harnden's. Can't wait to meet her!
